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for property owners and managers!

Paving FAQs

How do I care for my new asphalt?
Asphalt is soft, particularly when it is new.  No matter what the age, parking cars repeatedly in the same spot creates indentations.  Try to vary parking routines if possible.  Other objects that can damage asphalt are kickstands on motorcycles and bicycles, car jacks and trailers.

How can I protect my asphalt investment?
Properly designed and constructed asphalt pavement rarely wears out just from traffic.  Surface deterioration is primarily caused by weathering, oxidation and the destructive softening effects of gasoline, oils and de-icers.  Filling any cracks and sealcoating can protect the surface and extend its useful life.

Once new asphalt is installed, a year-round maintenance schedule is required in order to protect your asphalt investment.  This includes:  plowing and sanding in the Winter; sweeping and re-striping in the Spring, sealcoating in the Summer; and, crackfilling in the Fall.  Potholes can be fixed all year long, rather than just during warm weather.

Testimonials What Clients Say

Your crew were awesome this weekend during this record-breaking storm. All your people - and you- are so patient and helpful and friendly while you're doing a property that is so difficult. I can't thank any of you enough for your service, please don't leave us!

— L. Shaw, Condo Assn.